Create Amazing Tweets with this AI Tweet Generator

This Twitter post generator creates tweets with AI from online sources in real-time. Just enter a topic and choose a writing style to generate engaging tweets and Twitter threads.



AI Tools

4 Minutes


Crafting tweets that fly is an extremely hard skill to master. This tweet generator makes it easy to post relevant content multiple times a day by finding up-to-date information online and creating tweets and threads based on any information it can find. Postline´s tweet creator offers multiple tones of voice perfect for tweets and even lets you train custom writing styles based on viral tweets or your own samples.

Generate Tweets and Threads with AI

It's best practice to post on Twitter ( 2-3 times daily. Researching and condensing the information into 280 characters can take hours. In addition, tweets demand a particular style and tone for your audience to engage with them, making posting consistently and successfully on Twitter challenging. 

This tweet generator helps you craft perfect tweets and Twitter threads in seconds and even generates great tweet ideas by searching the internet for information on your topic. The AI makes sure your generated tweets are highly relevant by using news articles, web pages, and even YouTube videos as a source of information. You can generate a month's worth of funny and attention-grabbing tweets in just a few minutes.

What are the benefits of using a Tweet generator? 

The most significant advantage of using a tweet generator is saving time and being able to tweet regularly relevant and up-to-date content without manually searching for information, brainstorming post ideas, or rewriting your tweets to fit your target audience. 

Marketing professionals know that it is actually harder to come up with a good tweet than to write an entire blog post. This tweet generator finds the content and ideas to tweet about and generates the perfect tweets and threads.

How to use this AI Tweet generator

Jakub and I have developed this AI to be quick and easy to use. Our goal is to enable everyone to publish 2-3 unique tweets per day without spending more than 5 minutes. It works by telling the AI what topic you want to write about. Here is a step-by-step guide to get started:

Step 1: Select a source

You can select a source in the dropdown that the AI should search. Based on your topic, the tweet generator will autonomously search the internet for the most relevant and recent information.

You can select:

  • News: Searches global news outlets for your topic

  • Google: Searches google for websites about your topic

  • URL: Crawls a specific URL you provide for context

Step 2: Enter your topic

Next, you enter the topic you want to tweet about. Keep it simple and enter your keywords, like you would on Google. I have recorded a video to explain how to use the search best. You can find it here in our Wiki.

Step 3: Narrow down the sources

You can filter your search to find more relevant content for your tweets and Twitter threads with the Published In filter (only looking for sources published in the given timeframe) or Search in filter (searches for sources in a specific country) dropdown. 

Step 4: Select your tone of voice

We create multiple different writing styles to choose from. You should definitely try the Witty Cinic or the Funny Prankster for your tweets, as those will generate funny tweets perfect for the Twitter audience. You can also create a custom voice and train the AI to write and sound like you. 

How does the AI Tweet generator work?

Of course, the secret is AI, but what makes it unique is that this tweet generator is trained to search the internet for information on your topic autonomously. While similar tools mostly create generic tweets and make things up, our will always craft highly relevant tweets with factual information. Under the hood, chatGPT combines the information and generates the perfect tweets.

What is the best AI tool for generating Tweets?

Hands down, I tried many tweet generators, but most did not meet my expectations. I believe is the best AI tool to generate tweets for several reasons:

  • The AI searches for ideas to tweet about by reading news articles, webpages, and even YouTube videos in real-time to find the most relevant information. Therefore, this tweet generator outperforms many other tools regarding authenticity and relevancy.

  • The quality of tweets and threads is among the best I've seen. The generated tweets are snackable, fresh, and sound and feel like real tweets. 

  • You can create and edit tweets with AI. There is an amazing AI editor that helps to further optimize and finetune your tweets in seconds. In addition, it finds currently trending hashtags for your tweets.

How long should my Tweets be?

Even tho Twitter recently increased the character limit from 140 characters to 280 characters per tweet; surveys show that people still prefer short tweets. According to several studies, the best-performing Tweets are between 71 and 100 characters. If you want to increase likes, best practice is to keep it short.

Create viral Tweets with this Tweet generator

Most viral tweets share a few common denominators. While no AI can guarantee viral tweets, we trained on those best practices to create tweets that have a good chance of getting picked up by a lot of users.

  1. Attention-grabbing hook: Writing a good opening for a tweet is a lot more challenging than crafting a hook for any other social platform because tweets are so short that the content and the opening are almost the same. The key is seamlessly merging your opening, the message, and the end or takeaway in one or two sentences. A rare skill only seasoned writers typically master. 

  2. Ultra-condensed information: One of the hardest things to do is find the most critical information about your topic. It's like deciding on a specific needle in a haystack worth tweeting about. This is where AI shines since it can take an entire news article or website and find that single piece you should use for your tweet.

  3. Twitter-like tone: Tweets must be funny, thought-provoking, inspiring, helpful, or sarcastic to take off. There is a specific writing style that the Twitter audience loves. While this can take a while to master, choosing one of our pre-trained tones of voice makes this much easier. You can even take a few viral tweets from any user on Twitter and train yourself to write and sound like that individual.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a tweet generator that can create tweets from real-time news and information online. It automatically searches for news articles, websites, and even YouTube videos about the topic you provide and crafts ready-to-publish tweets from it.

What type of tone can I select for my Tweets? 

When you generate tweets, you can choose from several tones and writing styles specifically designed to create high-engaging tweets. My personal favorites are the Witty Cynic and the Funny Prankster for tweets and Twitter threads. In addition, you can create any writing style you want by training the AI with your own samples. Want to tweet like Elon Musk? Just add a custom voice and feed it a few sample tweets from Elon, and you are good to go.

Can I edit the Tweets generated by the AI?

Of course, you can edit all tweets from the tweet generator with AI. Our AI editor helps you with many quick and easy-to-use functions to optimize and fine-tune your tweets before publishing them. You can see a preview of your generated tweet and get suggestions from the AI editor to improve it. 

Does the post generator use AI technology?

Yes. The tweets are being generated with AI. You can choose chatGPT 3.5 or chatGPT 4 to generate your tweets and threads.

How do I find trending hashtags for Tweets?

Our AI finds the most relevant hashtags for your tweets. In the AI editor, you can click on Trending Hashtags, and will analyze your tweet and look up trending hashtags that fit your content.

Is the Tweet generator a free tool? 

Yes, the Postline tweet generator is free.

Can I generate as many Tweets as I want? 

Yes, you can create tweets as much as you want.

Can generate Tweets on any topic?

Yes, as long as there is information on the internet about your topic, will find it and create a tweet about it.


Andi Groke

Andi is the CEO of Mind Nexus. He is a serial entrepreneur and former Dentsu executive. For more than 10 years, he worked in marketing, serving clients such as Disney and Mastercard and developing marketing software for agencies and brands.